12 September 2011

I'm Lookin' Through Her....

Isn't it wonderful when politicians demand TRANSPARENCY in government?  I guess they want the public to know they are honest.   Not just "regular" honest, but really, really honest.  And bringing transparency to government was just ONE  of first-term ex-Democrat  New Mexico governor Susana Martinez' promises.  I know she would not lie, because, like Nancy Grace, she was a PROSECUTOR WHO PROTECTED CHILDREN.  (I can't begin to tell you how sick I am of having my campaign lines stolen.)  So we know that Susie, as I like to think of her, is about 1,000% honest.  And good.  Want more proof?  She plans to balance the budget!

One of the things that REALLY REALLY bugs Susie Martinez are those pesky undocumented immigrants from Mexico.  She is of Mexican heritage herself and very, very proud, blah blah blah....but she is just fed right up with people who come here....gasp....illegally!  To do what?  Work for low wages and live in miserable conditions...so their KIDS and GRANDKIDS can have a better life than they might in Mexico? Terrible, really.  Disgraceful.

So Susie is cracking down on these folks AND their progeny.   She certainly doesn't want them to be able to legally drive!  Nope, in her world, illegals would NOT be able to get driver's licenses...which makes no common sense.  With licenses, you have a record of where people live, their infractions, if any, and a record that could assist law enforcement  in case of problems.  But Susie's REAL beef taco is with these pesky U.S. citizens who just happen to have been born here to illegal immigrant parents.  She wants to make sure they cannot get access to higher education through the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship program by seeking to repeal the current laws in place.  Damn right, Suse!!  Why should these....BAD KIDS have a chance to better themselves?  Become educated?  Maybe become doctors, nurses, teachers or....attorneys who PROTECT CHILDREN?    Their parents did a VERY NAUGHTY THING.  Their children must be punished.  That IS the American way, isn't it?  

And now it seems that the Republican presidential candidates are looking for yet ANOTHER woman who hasn't finished one term as governor to be on the ticket as veep.  Susie told the NY Times that she was "humbled" that she was being considered.

Shortly thereafter....Susie finally decided to come clean about her family.  You know....TRANSPARENT.  Hmmm...could there be a connection?  No!  How dare my liberal commie socialist mind go there!  Susie just didn't KNOW before....I'm sure that's it.  Seems that Susie's paternal grandparents were....(drumroll)  illegal immigrants from Mexico!  How does she square her own family's past with her current disdain for people exactly like....her?  How does she explain her OWN education and benefits?

Well, she doesn't choose to.  So there.   Her office stated that it was "unfortunate that some are choosing to personally attack the governor".  Poor Susie.  Now I feel really bad that I even thought some of the things I did.  

O Susana, you don't have to explain anything.  You can keep all the benefits that came to you through your grandparents' illegal entry into the U.S.A. and continue to rail against every OTHER family like your own.  I only hope Nancy Grace stops dancing long enough to put Susie on her talk show!  They sort of even look alike....


  1. What a hypocrite. I am so ashamed that we elected this lunatic. What is it about tea party broads? Are they all nucking futz?

  2. Beautiful blog, by the way. I just LOVE the look of it.
