24 September 2011

Two fiestas in one week....

Here in Mexico, fiestas are a part of everyday life.  This week, I hosted one and attended another.

I wanted to have a few of the dancers over to my house after class one day.  But, how would I draw the line on who to invite?  While it is true that only a small group of us meets regularly after class for cappuccino at the "Meli Melo" restaurant, almost everyone is very nice to me during class.  I am greeted with hugs, kisses, and anyone who speaks English makes sure to speak it to me.  (Clearly, having heard my Spanish, they are sympathetic...).  So, I just decided to invite everyone.

My friend Marite translated the invitation...and everyone applauded.  Now, the pressure was on.  Our house is small...there is a loveseat, sofa and one chair, plus a table with four chairs.  I could tell that some of my friends were a little nervous for me.  Where would everyone sit?  Would I have enough food?  But I figured...whoever wants to come will, and if someone doesn't like the party...well...they won't come to the next one!

The day before the party I was busy.  I went to the mercado in San Angel and bought two tablecloths in the Mexican colors: red, white and green.  I bought some of those paper cut-out flags in the same colors.  Then I went to the beautiful flower market and got a red,white and green centerpiece and multi-colored gerbera daisies.  I went to the bakeries and checked on their opening times and I bought nata.

As best as I can piece together, nata is made when you boil whole milk and a skin of the cream forms on top.  This becomes the nata. It is rich, thick and somewhat sweet.  It is sold in stores, but also on the street by women who make it themselves.  You spread it on the delicious Mexican pan dulce called a "concha" (because it looks like that type of shell).

I cleaned up the house and began to decorate.....

I got up extra early the next morning so that I could go to both local bakeries.  I bought so many pastries at the second bakery that the line behind me stretched to the end of the store!  I had made coffee, bought instant cappuccinos in all flavors, put out different kinds of teas,  and filled baskets with cookies and pastries.  But still I felt it wasn't enough...so I went to dance, left very early, and stopped at two mores stores.  I bought traditional Mexican sweets at one, and brownies at a very fancy bakery.

Soon, my doorbell was ringing!  I received some sweet and thoughtful gifts...delicious homemade empanadas (I was glad I was able to snag one....), cookies, candy, and a wonderful assortment of handcrafts from different places in Mexico.  We were crowded, but nobody seemed to mind!

Then, the singing began!  What beautiful songs...some to me, some just for fun.  They even did a cheer for me!  I loved having these wonderful people in our little home.   Did I have fun?  Guess the photo above says it all!!!

In my quest to find out how I can make a difference in the lives of the abandoned animals here in Mexico, I have met some amazing people.  After my trip to Cholula, I began a search for animal rescues in Mexico and sent out e-mails.  I hooked up with a wonderful place in San Miguel called "Save a Mexican Mutt".http://www.saveamexicanmutt.org/  I urge you to click on their wonderful website and offer any help you can.  Hopefully, I will be bringing one of the "mutts" home with me in December to hook up with her new owner in New York State!  I was also given a name of a woman who does rescue and lives right in my neighborhood.  She immediately invited me over for coffee...and told me about a big party that was about to take place.  It turned out that she was unable to go, but I went anyway.

I took a taxi to the lovely area called "Lomas de Chapultapec" and arrived a bit early to help a hostess I had never met!  She really didn't need much help...she was a whirlwind in her kitchen, preparing wonderful appetizers, opening wine, taking care of her little girl and being sweet to her gerbil, cat and FOUR dogs!  Her husband was doing just as much. The party was for a group called "Newcomers" and the purpose was to raise money for "Mexican Animals in Need".  A number of people from agencies that directly help animals were there.  I most enjoyed meeting "Cristobal", who is like Saint Francis here on earth again.   He has been rescuing dogs for years and years and finding homes for them.  Here is his site:  http://www.alberguesancristobal.org/perritos/buscador/?frm_size=2&frm_sex=0&frm_age=4&x=28&y=8  Like "S.A.M.M." San Cristobal needs help!

Ken and I keep looking at the beautiful dogs available from Save a Mexican Mutt and San Cristobal...they are impossible to resist!  I am so glad to have found these organizations.

At the party last night I met people from India, Germany, Norway, Peru, Canada, England, the U.S. and, of course, Mexico.  While there was no singing or cheering, there certainly should have been a cheer for the generous and hardworking hostess and her husband.

Two very different parties....at mine, people drank instant cappuccino out of styrofoam cups and at the Lomas one, people drank fine wine from beautiful goblets....but I think the guests at both were happy they were invited!

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