30 July 2011

Que Preciosas!

Our friends here had their first child recently...a beautiful, healthy baby girl. We went to visit them at their home last Saturday night. The baby was not even two weeks old. Their home was filled with family when we arrived...about ten people...and mom was in the bedroom feeding the little one. Coming from the land of Babies 'R Us, strollers, baby carriers, baby seats, baby monitors, baby stuff, I was surprised that I didn't see the regular items in their home. I don't mean they had only a few...I mean they had none. Just a crib. They are both professionals, with loving and supportive families, so I knew it wasn't a question of money. It was a choice.

I have mentioned before in this blog how happy Mexican babies and children are but this was my first chance to see how a family cares for a baby. Our landlady has two children and she is almost always with them...hugging them, kissing them, encouraging them. They are sweet, sweet kids. I wondered how a newborn would be...

When mom came out of the bedroom with the baby, I expected everyone to jump up and grab the baby from her arms. Wrong. They pulled out a chair for her and she sat, and for the next three hours she did not move. She held the baby in her arms...constantly. I cannot remember ever seeing anyone do this before. If the baby so much as yawned the entire group gathered around to watch...."que preciocas" was heard over and over. I talked with the grandmother, aunts, and great aunts. We all remarked on the baby's beauty, tranquility, and sweetness, but no one moved to take the baby from mom. They explained that being held this way was the most important factor in the baby's health, security and happiness. The family helped by preparing food and drinks and cleaning up in the kitchen. The baby herself wore a little outfit, then a hand-knit sweater and booties, then little mitts, and she was wrapped in two blankets. Here in Mexico, babies are kept warm! The only time the baby isn't held by mom or dad is when all of them are sleeping.

Near the end of our visit, dad took the baby but not because mom wanted or needed a break. He just wanted the baby in his arms. Neither parent said one word about being tired. As you can see from the picture, they both look wonderful!

When you walk in the squares here, you notice at once that there are no strollers...just babies being held. Same thing in the subway and on the peseros. You also notice the lack of crying and screaming. As soon as babies become toddlers and can walk, they do so, holding a parent or relative's hand. By that time, there is usually a new baby in mom's arms!

I do not think "BABIES 'R US" would want these secrets of raising happy, calm, sweet children to get out. They want moms and dads to think that having every single new product is essential to the health, development, and well-being of babies everywhere. On its website, Babies 'R Us offers 69 different pieces of gear solely to tote a baby around. Here in Mexico, a shawl, and the arms of a loving parent are all that is needed.

We wish our friends joy and happiness....but we know that they are already holding it in their arms.

1 comment:

  1. I sent this post to both of my daughters with the title of "The Most Important Childrearing Information You Need to Know"! Beautiful!
