25 March 2011

Si, pero no!

By now, you know how much I love it here.  However, I must say that in my opinion, there are some quirky things that Mexicans do.  They love to say "si, pero no..." (yes, but no....).  So they AGREE with you, but they really don't.  The following are  some examples of "si, per no" behaviors....

It is suddenly very hot here in Mexico City.  I have to wear sunscreen and a straw hat when I am out, and walk on the shady side of the street.  And I am still very warm.  Partly because I am wearing...jeans!  I am wearing jeans because if Mexican women aren't wearing jeans on the street, they are wearing dresses or skirts.  They do not seem to ever wear capris or shorts.  So, out of respect for the country I am living in, I don't either.  But jeans are really hot, as we all know.  And remember, there is very little air conditioning here.  So why don't Mexican women get together and decide that some nice capris or long bermudas would be perfectly acceptable?  Si, pero no!

Many Mexican women who wear skirts or dresses are also wearing their aprons.  They wear them all day, every day, everywhere.  Maybe they even wear their aprons over their pajamas.  So, they can't go out in capris but they can go out in aprons?  Si, pero no!

Mexican people like to huddle at the doors of the metro, pesero and metrobus.  They like to be ready to jump off.  It is true that the exit/entrance time is much shorter than it is in the U.S.  But often people just love the doorway.  So when someone really does have to exit, there is a big commotion.  Si, pero no!

Mexican people often wear winter jackets or heavy sweaters no matter how hot it is. I was roasting today as I walked around the Roma neighborhood.  Yet, I saw several people in winter gear.  Sadly, some of them also had their poor dogs wearing winter coats.  Si, pero no!

Speaking of dogs, no one picks up after their dogs on our street.  I think people come for miles just to walk their dogs on our street because they know they won't have to pick up!  I walk on streets all over this city and nowhere is there more evidence of dogs than on our street.  Mexicans are always cleaning sidewalks...with soap and water...so why won't my neighbors clean up after their dogs? Si, pero no!

Seats on peseros, the metro, and the metrobus are always at a premium.  However, Mexicans hate the window seat.  When someone is on the aisle he or she will not move over to the window...you have to climb over and take the window seat. Even very old people with a lot of packages have to do this.  I know it has something to do with the window seat being more sunny...but these are the same people who wear parkas in 85 degree weather!  Si, pero no!

I don't think Mexicans ever accept the first table they are offered in a restaurant.  Many places simply let you pick your own table.  If I were the person trying to seat people in a restaurant here, I would definitely want the "choose your own" rule!  Si, pero no!

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