31 March 2011

Dancing With the Star

Back in February, I found myself taking a dance class called "Ritmos Latinos". Today was my last day, until I return to Mexico City in July. I know what will happen then, however. I will arrive in class and try, try, try to follow the steps. All around me, people will effortlessly dance with precision and joy.

But...not everyone. There is the back row. I knew at once that I belonged in the back row at Latin Dance, even though my new friends encouraged me to dance in the front with them. I always put my water bottle and towel in the same place...back row, almost at the back door. We back row dancers sometimes turn in the wrong direction. We sometimes just pretend to turn. We dance a little salsa when we are supposed to be dancing son. When Flor, the amazing teacher, is yelling "ta TA ta ta", our feet our going "TA ta ta TA" instead. We have been known to collide with each other.

However, there is one back row dancer who is amazing. Ignacio is young, handsome, friendly, and he dances with beauty. His steps are perfect. His line is flawless. He feels the music and the beat is reflected in his every movement. One day, we tried to get Ignacio to move to the second last row. He did it for about one dance and the next thing we knew, he was in in the back with us again.

It is so helpful to have Ignacio next to us. We watch his feet, we follow his turns, we try to move the way he does. But Ignacio doesn't seem to notice or care. He isn't there to show off or impress anyone. He just loves to dance.

Everyone comes to dance for a different reason: exercise, companionship, fun, the love of music, to feel young. But in the back row, we know one person who comes just to dance. I am so glad I had the chance to watch him all these weeks.

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